Remedies will be provided on the basis Kerala Malayala Witchcraft

Astrology, Fingerprint, Name Zodiac, Marriage Relevant, Man and Women mesmerism

About Us

Kerala Bhagavathi Amman Jothidalayam

Astrology is the science of the planet and star effect of a person. In order to predict people, the astrologer calculates the positions of planets in a person's horoscope. There are many horoscope prediction systems and they provide monthly and yearly horoscope. Our Kerala Bhagavathi Amman Jothidalayam Services cater to all types of issues whether big or small. They have experienced and famous astrologers to help them, he is famous all over in astrology because of his dedication to works and great command over astrology. Our Kerala Bhagavathi Amman Jothidalayam is really well qualified among astrologers in that astrology and has great reputation and fame.

List of Our Services

Contact Us

Contact Person

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Kerala Bagavathi Amman Jothdalayam
  • Tel: 98438 33133 / 98438 88199
  • Email:
    • Monday-Thursday : 06:00 am - 09:00 pm
    • Friday : 10:30 am - 05:30 pm
    • Saturday : 10:30 am - 05:30 pm
    • Sunday : Closed
    Astrology will be seen at your Homes.